On Sleep and Death in Goethe's ´Euphrosyne´.pdf
On Sleep and Death in Goethe’s ´Euphrosyne´
bahnbestimmung von euphrosyne aus den beobachtungen der ersten erscheinung, von herrn a. winnecke.pdf
bahnbestimmung von euphrosyne aus den beobachtungen der ersten erscheinung, von herrn a. winnecke
ephemeride f uuml;r euphrosyne nach elementen iii, von herrn stud. winnecke.pdf
ephemeride f
neue elemente f uuml;r polyhymnia und pomona, nebst beobachtungen der euphrosyne und egeria.pdf
neue elemente f
observations of titania and euphrosyne made at the national observatory washington with the filar micrometer of the equatorial.pdf
observations of titania and euphrosyne made at the national observatory washington with the filar micrometer of the equatorial
elements of euphrosyne, their variations by jupiter and table for the solution of kepler´s problem.pdf
elements of euphrosyne, their variations by jupiter and table for the solution of kepler´s problem
national observatory. observations of psyche, themis, proserpine, iv. comet 1854 and euphrosyne, made with the filar-micrometer of the washington equatoreal by j. ferguson.pdf
national observatory. observations of psyche, themis, proserpine, iv. comet 1854 and euphrosyne, made with the filar-micrometer of the washington equatoreal by j. ferguson
ephemeride fur euphrosyne nebst beobachtung der mondfinsterniss 1856 oct. 13, von herrn dr. lt;em gt;a. winnecke lt;em gt;.pdf
ephemeride für euphrosyne nebst beobachtung der mondfinsterniss 1856 oct. 13, von herrn dr.
u. s. n. observatory washington. observations of egeria and euphrosyne, made with the filar-micrometer of the equatorial by lt;em gt;j. ferguson lt;em gt;.pdf
u. s. n. observatory washington. observations of egeria and euphrosyne, made with the filar-micrometer of the equatorial by
ton. observations of euphrosyne, made with the filar - micrometer of the equatorial by lt;em gt;j. ferguson lt;em gt;. communicated by lieut. lt;em gt;maury lt;em gt;. (cor...pdf
ton. observations of euphrosyne, made with the filar - micrometer of the equatorial by

