Free-Space Optical Interconnects.pdf
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Free Space Optical Communications.ppt
- Iran2008*Professor GHASSEMLOOYAssociateDean ResearchOptical Communications Research Group, School Co
Experimental free-space quantum teleportation.pdf
- 【题名】:Experimental free-space quantum teleportation
【作者】:Xian-Min Jin1, Ji-Gang Ren1,2,3, Bin Yang1, Zhen-Huan Yi2, Fei Zhou2, Xiao-Fan Xu1, Shao-Kai Wang2, Dong Yang2, Yuan-Feng Hu1, Shuo Jiang2, Tao Yang1, Hao Yin1, Kai Chen1, Cheng-Zhi Peng2 & Jian-Wei Pan1,2
【年份,卷(期),起止页码】:Nature Photonics 4, 376 - 381 (2010)
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