dust environment modelling of comet 67pchuryumov-gerasimenko.pdf
- dust environment modelling of comet 67pchuryumov-gerasimenko
a portrait of the nucleus of comet 67pchuryumov-gerasimenko.pdf
- a portrait of the nucleus of comet 67pchuryumov-gerasimenko
the plasma environment of comet 67pchuryumov-gerasimenko throughout the rosetta main mission.pdf
- the plasma environment of comet 67pchuryumov-gerasimenko throughout the rosetta main mission
Cometary Dust Trail Associated with Rosetta Mission Target 67PChuryumov-Gerasimenko.pdf
- Cometary Dust Trail Associated with Rosetta Mission Target 67PChuryumov-Gerasimenko
The dust trail of Comet 67PChuryumov-Gerasimenko between 2004 and 2006.pdf
- The dust trail of Comet 67PChuryumov-Gerasimenko between 2004 and 2006
a method for inverting the touchdown shock of the philae lander on comet 67pchuryumov-gerasimenko.pdf
- a method for inverting the touchdown shock of the philae lander on comet 67pchuryumov-gerasimenko
3d direct simulation monte carlo modelling of the inner gas coma of comet 67pchuryumov-gerasimenko a parameter study.pdf
- 3d direct simulation monte carlo modelling of the inner gas coma of comet 67pchuryumov–gerasimenko a parameter study
the 67pchuryumov-gerasimenko observation campaign in support of the rosetta mission.[2017][philos trans a math phys eng sci][10.1098rsta.2016.0249].pdf
- the 67pchuryumov-gerasimenko observation campaign in support of the rosetta mission.[2017][philos trans a math phys eng sci][10.1098rsta.2016.0249]
Secular light curve of Comet 28PNeujmin 1 and of spacecraft target Comets 1PHalley, 9PTempel 1, 19PBorrelly, 21PGiacobinni-Zinner, 26PGrigg-Skjellerup, 67PChuryumov-Gerasimenko, and 81PWild 2.pdf
- Secular light curve of Comet 28PNeujmin 1 and of spacecraft target Comets 1PHalley, 9PTempel 1, 19PBorrelly, 21PGiacobinni–Zinner, 26PGrigg–Skjellerup, 67PChuryumov–Gerasimenko, and 81PWild 2