柔毛水杨梅(Geum Japonicum Thunbvaxchinense FBolle)诱导血管形成和肌肉再生功能的活性物质研究.pdf
沈阳药科大学硕士学位论文柔毛水杨梅(GeumJaponicum Thunb.vax.chinenseF.Bolle)诱导血管形成和肌肉再生功能的活性物质研究姓名:李建宽申请学位级别:硕士专业:药物化学
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Methyl- D Geum montanum L. leaves - jxb.oxfordjournals.org.pdf
Methyl- D Geum montanum L. leaves -
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significant differences in outcrossing rate, self-incompatibility, and inbreeding depression between two widely hybridizing species of geum
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High intraspecific phenotypic variation, but little evidence for local adaptation in Geum reptans populations in the Central Swiss Alps
An assessment of the sand resources in old riverbeds and flood plain deposits within a branch of the Geum River, South Korea.pdf
An assessment of the sand resources in old riverbeds and flood plain deposits within a branch of the Geum River, South Korea
the relative importance of sexual and clonal reproduction for population growth in the long-lived alpine plant geum reptans - weppler - 2006 - journal of ecology.pdf
the relative importance of sexual and clonal reproduction for population growth in the long-lived alpine plant geum reptans - weppler - 2006 - journal of ecology

