ykl107w from saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes a novel aldehyde reductase for detoxification of acetaldehyde, glycolaldehyde, and furfural (2019).[1.pdf
ykl107w from saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes a novel aldehyde reductase for detoxification of acetaldehyde, glycolaldehyde, and furfural (2019).[1
kinetic study of the competitive hydrogenation of glycolaldehyde and glucose on ruc with or without amt.pdf
kinetic study of the competitive hydrogenation of glycolaldehyde and glucose on ruc with or without amt
ykl071w from saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes a novel aldehyde reductase for detoxification of glycolaldehyde and furfural derived from lignocellul.pdf
ykl071w from saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes a novel aldehyde reductase for detoxification of glycolaldehyde and furfural derived from lignocellul
engineering the donor selectivity of d-fructose-6-phosphate aldolase for biocatalytic asymmetric cross-aldol additions of glycolaldehyde.pdf
engineering the donor selectivity of d-fructose-6-phosphate aldolase for biocatalytic asymmetric cross-aldol additions of glycolaldehyde
Glycation of lysozyme by glycolaldehyde provides new mechanistic insights in diabetes-related protein aggregation.[2017][ACS Chem Biol][10.1021acsche.pdf
Glycation of lysozyme by glycolaldehyde provides new mechanistic insights in diabetes-related protein aggregation.[2017][ACS Chem Biol][10.1021acsche

