testing the efficiency of simple flakes, retouched flakes and small handaxes during butchery.pdf
- testing the efficiency of simple flakes, retouched flakes and small handaxes during butchery
News from the north A late Middle Palaeolithic site rich in handaxes on the Drenthe-Frisian till plateau near Assen, the Netherlands; first results of a trial excavation.pdf
- News from the north A late Middle Palaeolithic site rich in handaxes on the Drenthe–Frisian till plateau near Assen, the Netherlands; first results of a trial excavation
the geochemistry of basalt handaxes from the lower palaeolithic site of ma x201b;ayan baruch, israel-a perspective on raw material selection.pdf
- the geochemistry of basalt handaxes from the lower palaeolithic site of ma
Middle Pleistocene handaxes from the Korean peninsula.pdf
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Handaxes as a Measure of the Mental Capabilities of Early….pdf
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Middle Pleistocene handaxes from the Korean peninsula.pdf
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The symmetry of Acheulean handaxes and cognitive evolution.pdf
- The symmetry of Acheulean handaxes and cognitive evolution