1,2,5,6,9,10-αHexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) Impairs Thyroid Hormone-Induced Dendrite Arborization of Purkinje Cells and Suppresses Thyroid Hormone Receptor-Mediated Transcription.pdf
1,2,5,6,9,10-αHexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) Impairs Thyroid Hormone-Induced Dendrite Arborization of Purkinje Cells and Suppresses Thyroid Hormone Receptor-Mediated Transcription
a pbpk model to study the transfer of alpha-hexabromocyclododecane (alpha-hbcdd) to tissues of fast- and slow-growing broilers.[2020][food addit co.pdf
a pbpk model to study the transfer of alpha-hexabromocyclododecane (alpha-hbcdd) to tissues of fast- and slow-growing broilers.[2020][food addit co
Neurotoxicity of the pentabrominated diphenyl ether mixture, DE-71, and hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) in rat cerebellar granule cells in vitro.pdf
Neurotoxicity of the pentabrominated diphenyl ether mixture, DE-71, and hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) in rat cerebellar granule cells in vitro
Acute effects of hexabromocyclododecane on Leydig cell cyclic nucleotide signaling and steroidogenesis in vitro.pdf
Acute effects of hexabromocyclododecane on Leydig cell cyclic nucleotide signaling and steroidogenesis in vitro
The effects of hexabromocyclododecane on human natural killer cell function..pdf
This study investigates the effect of Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) on human natural killer (NK) cell lytic function, and whether a decrease in lytic function is cause by the inability of NK cells to bind to their targets (tumor cells). HBCD exposures that caused a loss of binding function were examined for effects on expression of key NK cell surface proteins needed for binding to targets. Additionally; this study investigates the effects of HBCD on ATP levels in NK cells. Human NK cells are a subset of lymphocytes that are capable of lysing tumor cells, virally infected cells, and antibody-coated cells. HBCD is a non-aromatic, brominated cyclic alkane used primarily as an additive flame retardant. If HBCD interferes with NK cell function, this could increase risk of tumor development and/or viral infection. NK cells were exposed to various concentrations of HBCD for 1 h, 24 h, 48 h, and/or 6 days before determining lytic function, binding function, cell-surface marker expression and



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