167 High-Mobility Germanium-Tin (GeSn) P-Channel MOSFETs.pdf
167 High-Mobility Germanium-Tin (GeSn) P-Channel MOSFETs167 Hi
Enhancement of breakdown voltage in AlGaN-GaN high electron mobility transistors using a field plate.pdf
Enhancement of breakdown voltage in AlGaN-GaN high electron mobility transistors using a field plateEnhancement of breakdown voltage in AlGaN-GaN high electron mobility transistors using a field plateEnhancement of breakdown voltage in AlGaN-GaN high electron mobility transistors using a field plate
A novel 3D spatial temporal channel model for high mobility HAPSbased communications scenario.pdf
doi:10.3772/ issn.1006-6748. 2009. 04. 004A novel 3-D spatial temporal channel model highmobilityHAP
High Electron Mobility Exceeding 104 cm2 in Mg ZnO Single Heterostructures Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy.pdf
Nominally undoped MgxZn1xO/ZnO (x ¼ 0:05 and 0.08) single heterostructures were prepared on Zn-polar ZnO substrates by using
plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). The samples showed a metallic conductivity below 50K and a mobility exceeding
104 cm2 V1 s1 at 0.5 K. We observed quantum Hall effect accompanying Shubnikov–de Haas oscillations, in which zero-resistance states
were clearly seen above 5 T. Rotation experiments in magnetic field suggest strong two-dimensional carrier confinement at low
temperatures. The results indicate that the MBE grown films have much higher quality than the previously reported samples grown by
pulsed laser deposition.
sry-related high-mobility-group box 4 crucial regulators of the emt in cancer (2019).[10.1016j.semcancer.2019.06.008].pdf
sry-related high-mobility-group box 4 crucial regulators of the emt in cancer (2019).[10.1016j.semcancer.2019.06.008]
Metal-ion free chiral analysis of amino acids as small as proline using high-definition differential ion mobility mass spectrometry.pdf
Metal-ion free chiral analysis of amino acids as small as proline using high-definition differential ion mobility mass spectrometry
optimized workflow for multiplexed phosphorylation analysis of tmt-labeled peptides using high-field asymmetric waveform ion mobility spectrometry..pdf
optimized workflow for multiplexed phosphorylation analysis of tmt-labeled peptides using high-field asymmetric waveform ion mobility spectrometry.
Revelation of Inherently High Mobility Enables Mg3Sb2 as a Sustainable Alternative to n-Bi2Te3.pdf
Revelation of Inherently High Mobility Enables Mg3Sb2 as a Sustainable Alternative to n-Bi2Te3
Asymmetric conjugated oligomers based on polycyclic aromatics as high mobility semiconductors The influence of chalcogens.pdf
Asymmetric conjugated oligomers based on polycyclic aromatics as high mobility semiconductors The influence of chalcogens

