Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant (RBMK-1500), Lithuania - Handbook.pdf
Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant (RBMK-1500), Lithuania - Handbook
Radiological and environmental effects in ignalina nuclear power plant cooling pond lake druksiai from plant put in operation to shut down period of time.pdf
Radiological and environmental effects in ignalina nuclear power plant cooling pond lake druksiai from plant put in operation to shut down period of time
chnical letter report - analysis of ultrasonic data on piping cracks at ignalina nuclear power plant before and after applying a mechanical stress improvement process, jcn-n6319, task 2 (4....pdf
PNNL-17367Technical Letter Report Analysis UltrasonicData PipingCracks IgnalinaNuclear Power Plant B
Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of MCPs' trip events at Ignalina NPP.pdf
Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of MCPs’ trip events at Ignalina NPP
Sustainable energy strategy of Lithuanian Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant region for 2012-2035 as a chance for regional development英文资料.pdf
Sustainable energy strategy of Lithuanian Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant region for 2012–2035 as a chance for regional development英文资料
A review on solid biofuel usage in Lithuania after the decommission of Ignalina NPP and compliance with the EU policy.pdf
A review on solid biofuel usage in Lithuania after the decommission of Ignalina NPP and compliance with the EU policy
Anthropogenic radionuclide fluxes and distribution in bottom sediments of the cooling basin of the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant.pdf
Anthropogenic radionuclide fluxes and distribution in bottom sediments of the cooling basin of the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant

