IPO Pricing Informational Inefficiency and Misallocation in Capital Market.pdf
Electroniccopy available ssrn.com/abstract=1303409“IPO pricing: Informational inefficiency ca
dynamic inefficiency in an overlapping generations economy with production.pdf
dynamic inefficiency in an overlapping generations economy with productiondynamic inefficiency in an overlapping generations economy with productiondynamic inefficiency in an overlapping generations economy with production
Inefficiency of public road transport and internal corporate governance mechanisms.pdf
Inefficiency of public road transport and internal corporate governance mechanisms
estimation of the shadow prices of pollutants with productionenvironment inefficiency taken into account a nonparametric directional distance function approach.pdf
estimation of the shadow prices of pollutants with productionenvironment inefficiency taken into account a nonparametric directional distance function approach
A Brand New Narrative Social Attitudes Toward Conflict Resolution and Inefficiency in Marketing and Branding.pdf
BrandNew Narrative: Social Attitudes Toward Conflict Resolution EmilySkinner DissertationPresented A
High Return Correlations in Emerging Markets: Are They Symptoms of Exploitable Arbitrage and Market Inefficiency? Evidence from Germany, Mexico, Thailand and Turkey.pdf
In some emerging financial markets, high cross sectional return correlations limit the risk reduction benefits of diversification. The dominant explanation for these high correlations in the literature is that they result from shortages of information (c.f. Grossman, 1976, Roll, 1992, Stulz, 1999). We present evidence for the opposite case here. It appears that the covariance matrices one uses to estimate correlation coefficients have a more productive use. We provide evidence that these covariance matrices also may be used to produce buy and sell signals, information investors can use to arbitrage markets. They signal investors that markets are in disequilibrium, with resources being massively misallocated. This article documents the link between high asset return correlations and arbitrage profits in an examination of four financial markets: Germany, Mexico Thailand and Turkey. We provide evidence that Turkey s financial markets were in disequilibrium throughout our six
Market Structure and Inefficiency in the Foreign Exchange Market.pdf
Market Structure and Inefficiency in the Foreign Exchange Market
A Global Perspective on Railway Inefficiency and the Rise of….pdf
GlobalPerspective RailwayInefficiency StateOwnership, 1880-1912 Dan Bogart1 Department EconomicsUC I

