Chronic intrapericardial catheterization for repeated drug delivery: technical feasibility study in the Gttingen minipig..pdf
A minimally invasive pericardial access and chronic catheterization may enhance the therapeutic effects of intrapericardial drug delivery. We aimed to evaluate the technical feasibility of percutaneous intrapericardial implantation of a drug port system for chronic local drug delivery.
intrapericardial delivery of anti-arrhythmic agents.pdf
intrapericardial delivery of anti-arrhythmic agents
antenatal management of fetal intrapericardial teratoma a systematic review.[2017][prenat diagn][10.1002pd.5113].pdf
antenatal management of fetal intrapericardial teratoma a systematic review.[2017][prenat diagn][10.1002pd.5113]
Technologies for intrapericardial delivery of therapeutics and cells.pdf
Technologies for intrapericardial delivery of therapeutics and cells
Intrapericardial bronchogenic cyst adherent to ascending aorta in young patient.pdf
Intrapericardial bronchogenic cyst adherent to ascending aorta in young patient
Costs Associated with the First Clinical Trial Evaluating the Safety and Efficacy of the Thoracotomy Approach for Implantation of a Small Intrapericardial Centrifugal LVAD.pdf
Costs Associated with the First Clinical Trial Evaluating the Safety and Efficacy of the Thoracotomy Approach for Implantation of a Small Intrapericardial Centrifugal LVAD
localized constrictive pericarditis due to an intrapericardial myxoma.[2018][j card surg][10.1111_jocs.13941].pdf
DOI:10.1111/jocs.13941I MAGES CARDIAC SURGERYLocalized constrictive pericarditis due intrapericardia
a case of a large intrapericardial lipoma occupying pericardial space.pdf
a case of a large intrapericardial lipoma occupying pericardial space
Normal and Abnormal Development of the Intrapericardial Arterial Trunks in Man and Mouse.pdf
Normal and Abnormal Development of the Intrapericardial Arterial Trunks in Man and Mouse
Intrapericardial Administration of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in a Large Animal Model A Bio-Distribution Analysis.pdf
RESEARCHARTICLEIntrapericardialAdministration ofMesenchymal StemCells LargeAnimalModel: Bio-Distribu

