地区农业旱涝灾害与全国冷暖对应分析 analysis on the correspondence between the agricultural disasters caused by droughts and water loggings in baoji and the climate change in east china during the past 1,500 years.pdf
- 地区农业旱涝灾害与全国冷暖对应分析 analysis on the correspondence between the agricultural disasters caused by droughts and water loggings in baoji and the climate change in east china during the past 1,500 years
Establishment phase, spatial pattern, age, and demography of Oenocarpus bataua var. bataua can be a legacy of past loggings in the Colombian Andes.pdf
- Establishment phase, spatial pattern, age, and demography of Oenocarpus bataua var. bataua can be a legacy of past loggings in the Colombian Andes
core barrels , CR, RQD and Core loggings.pdf
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