maltoporin (lamb protein) contributes to the virulence and adhesion of aeromonas veronii th0426.[2019][j fish dis][10.1111jfd.12941].pdf
maltoporin (lamb protein) contributes to the virulence and adhesion of aeromonas veronii th0426.[2019][j fish dis][10.1111jfd.12941]
site-directed mutagenesis of the greasy slide aromatic residues within the lamb (maltoporin) channel of escherichia coli effect on ion and maltopentaose transport.pdf
site-directed mutagenesis of the greasy slide aromatic residues within the lamb (maltoporin) channel of escherichia coli effect on ion and maltopentaose transport
Site-directed mutagenesis of tyrosine 118 within the central constriction site of the LamB (Maltoporin) channel of Escherichia coli. I. Effect on ion transport.pdf
Site-directed mutagenesis of tyrosine 118 within the central constriction site of the LamB (Maltoporin) channel of Escherichia coli. I. Effect on ion transport
site-directed mutagenesis of tyrosine 118 within the central constriction site of the lamb (maltoporin) channel of escherichia coli. ii. effect on maltose and maltooligosaccharide bi...pdf
site-directed mutagenesis of tyrosine 118 within the central constriction site of the lamb (maltoporin) channel of escherichia coli. ii. effect on maltose and maltooligosaccharide binding kinetics
transport of maltodextrins through maltoporin a single-channel study.pdf
transport of maltodextrins through maltoporin a single-channel study
Structure-2017-Maltoporin LamB Unfolds β Hairpins along Mechanical Stress-Dependent Unfolding Pathways.pdf
Structure-2017-Maltoporin LamB Unfolds β Hairpins along Mechanical Stress-Dependent Unfolding PathwaysStructure-2017-Maltoporin LamB Unfolds β Hairpins along Mechanical Stress-Dependent Unfolding PathwaysStructure-2017-Maltoporin LamB Unfolds β Hairpins along Mechanical Stress-Dependent Unfolding Pathways
Maltoporin Presentation.ppt
Maltoporin Presentation
Further genetic analysis of the C-terminal external loop region in Escherichia coli maltoporin.pdf
Further genetic analysis of the C-terminal external loop region in Escherichia coli maltoporin
Evaluation of the rate constants of sugar transport through maltoporin (LamB) of Escherichia coli from the sugar-induced current noise.pdf
Evaluation of the rate constants of sugar transport through maltoporin (LamB) of Escherichia coli from the sugar-induced current noise

