Preferential retrogression of high-P metasediments and the preservation of blueschist to eclogite facies metabasite during exhumation, Diahot terrane, NE New Caledonia.pdf
- Preferential retrogression of high-P metasediments and the preservation of blueschist to eclogite facies metabasite during exhumation, Diahot terrane, NE New Caledonia
metamorphism of metasediments at the scale of an ….pdf
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Provenance and metamorphic PT conditions of Cryogenian-Ediacaran metasediments from the Kid metamorphic complex, Sinai, NE Arabian-Nubian Shield Insights from detrital zircon geochemistry and ...pdf
- Provenance and metamorphic PT conditions of Cryogenian-Ediacaran metasediments from the Kid metamorphic complex, Sinai, NE Arabian-Nubian Shield Insights from detrital zircon geochemistry and mineral chemistry
BNa rich Palaeoproterozoic Aravalli metasediments of evaporitic association, NW India a new repository of gold mineralization.pdf
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uth-rich bitumen in archean granites and palaeoproterozoic metasediments, rum jungle mineral field, australia implications for mineralizing fluids.pdf
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Subduction- and exhumation-related structures preserved in metaserpentinites and associated metasediments from the Nevado-Filabride Complex (Betic Cordillera, SE Spain).pdf
- Subduction- and exhumation-related structures preserved in metaserpentinites and associated metasediments from the Nevado–Filábride Complex (Betic Cordillera, SE Spain)
Pb-Pb zircon ages of Archaean metasediments and gneisses from the Dharwar craton, southern India Implications for the antiquity of the eastern Dharwar craton.pdf
- Pb–Pb zircon ages of Archaean metasediments and gneisses from the Dharwar craton, southern India Implications for the antiquity of the eastern Dharwar craton
Geochemistry of the Neoproterozoic metasediments of Malhaq and Um Zariq formations, Kid metamorphic complex, Sinai, Egypt Implications for source-area weathering, provenance, recycling, and depo...pdf
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pb-pb zircon ages of archaean metasediments and gneisses from the dharwar craton, southern india implications for the antiquity of the eastern dharwar craton.pdf
- pb–pb zircon ages of archaean metasediments and gneisses from the dharwar craton, southern india implications for the antiquity of the eastern dharwar craton