biochemical changes during sporulation and spore germination of macroconidia in microsporum gypseum.pdf
biochemical changes during sporulation and spore germination of macroconidia in microsporum gypseum
comparative growth kinetics and basic carbohydrate metabolism of microsporum gypseum and a pleomorphic form.pdf
comparative growth kinetics and basic carbohydrate metabolism of microsporum gypseum and a pleomorphic form
ganoderma microsporum immunomodulatory protein induces apoptosis and potentiates mitomycin c-induced apoptosis in urinary bladder urothelial carcin.pdf
ganoderma microsporum immunomodulatory protein induces apoptosis and potentiates mitomycin c-induced apoptosis in urinary bladder urothelial carcin
Increased circulating Th17 cell in a patient with tinea capitis caused by Microsporum canis.pdf
Increased circulating Th17 cell in a patient with tinea capitis caused by Microsporum canis
Microsporum audouinii Re-Emergence of Ringworm Due to the Dermatophyte.pdf
Microsporum audouinii Re-Emergence of Ringworm Due to the Dermatophyte
decontamination of 70 foster family homes exposed to microsporum canis infected cats a retrospective study.vet dermatol[2019].pdf
decontamination of 70 foster family homes exposed to microsporum canis infected cats a retrospective study.vet dermatol[2019]
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Pseudomycetoma of the scalp caused by Microsporum canisPseudomycetoma of the scalp caused by Microsporum canisPseudomycetoma of the scalp caused by Microsporum canis
Inhibition of lysosome degradation on autophagosome formation and responses to GMI, an immunomodulatory protein from Ganoderma microsporum.pdf
Inhibition of lysosome degradation on autophagosome formation and responses to GMI, an immunomodulatory protein from Ganoderma microsporum
Selection and validation of reference genes for qRT-PCR analysis of gene expression in Microsporum canis growing under different adhesion-inducing conditions.pdf
Selection and validation of reference genes for qRT-PCR analysis of gene expression in Microsporum canis growing under different adhesion-inducing conditions

