Shock Wave Acceleration of Monoenergetic Protons using a Multi-Terawatt CO2 Laser.pdf
Shock Wave Acceleration of Monoenergetic Protons using a Multi-Terawatt CO2 Laser
Quasi-monoenergetic femtosecond photon sources from Thomson Scattering using laser plasma.pdf
Quasi-monoenergetic femtosecond photon sources from Thomson Scattering using laser plasma
Quasi-monoenergetic femtosecond photon sources from Thomson Scattering using laser plasma accelerators and plasma channels.pdf
Quasi-monoenergetic femtosecond photon sources from Thomson Scattering using laser plasma accelerators and plasma channels
preliminary study of the efficacy of using nuclear resonance fluorescence with quasi-monoenergetic gamma-ray sources for nuclear safeguards assay.pdf
preliminary study of the efficacy of using nuclear resonance fluorescence with quasi-monoenergetic gamma-ray sources for nuclear safeguards assay
Control of quasi-monoenergetic electron beams from laser-plasma accelerators with adjustable shock density profile.pdf
Control of quasi-monoenergetic electron beams from laser-plasma accelerators with adjustable shock density profile
dual-energy computed tomography for evaluation of breast cancer_ value of virtual monoenergetic images reconstructed with a noise-reduced monoenerg.pdf
Vol:.(1234567890)JapaneseJournal Radiology(2020) 38:154–164doi.org/10.1007/s11604-019-00897-
Laser-driven acceleration of quasi-monoenergetic, near-collimated titanium ions via a transparency-enhanced acceleration scheme.pdf
Laser-driven acceleration of quasi-monoenergetic, near-collimated titanium ions via a transparency-enhanced acceleration scheme

