32-Numerical Simulations of Viscous Flow around Multi-Hull Ship by Overset Grid Techniques.pdf
第十五届中国海洋(岸)学术讨论会论文集185Numerical Simulations ViscousFlow around Multi-Hull Ship OversetGrid Technique
Simulation of evacuation processes using a multi-grid model for pedestrian dynamics.pdf
363(2006) 492–500Simulation evacuationprocesses using multi-gridmodel forpedestrian dynamicsWeiguo S
8. Multi-agent systems in a distributed smart grid_ Design and implementation.pdf
Development of a multi-step measuring method for motion accuracy of NC machine tools based on cross grid encoder.pdf
Development of a multi-step measuring method for motion accuracy of NC machine tools based on cross grid encoderDevelopment of a multi-step measuring method for motion accuracy of NC machine tools based on cross grid encoderDevelopment of a multi-step measuring method for motion accuracy of NC machine tools based on cross grid encoder
reducing interpolation on multi-grid to quantizing grid´s data-base as a recursion.pdf
reducing interpolation on multi-grid to quantizing grid´s data-base as a recursion
multi-grid monte carlo via xy embedding i. general theory and two-dimensional o(n) -symmetric nonlinear σ -models.pdf
multi-grid monte carlo via $xy$ embedding i. general theory and two-dimensional $o(n)$-symmetric nonlinear $σ$-models
Experimental Evaluation of PV Inverter Anti-Islanding with Grid Support Functions in Multi-Inverter Island Scenarios.pdf
Experimental Evaluation of PV Inverter Anti-Islanding with Grid Support Functions in Multi-Inverter Island Scenarios
the lattice project a multi-model grid computing system.pdf
the lattice project a multi-model grid computing system
Multi-Grid Genetic Algorithms For Optimal Radiation Shield….pdf
Multi-Grid Genetic Algorithms For Optimal Radiation Shield…

