classical and modern genetic approaches reveal new gene associations with aflatoxin biosynthesis in aspergillus parasiticus and a. flavus.pdf
classical and modern genetic approaches reveal new gene associations with aflatoxin biosynthesis in aspergillus parasiticus and a. flavus
citrate-coated silver nanoparticles growth- independently inhibit aflatoxin synthesis in aspergillus parasiticus.[2017][environ sci technol][10.102.pdf
citrate-coated silver nanoparticles growth- independently inhibit aflatoxin synthesis in aspergillus parasiticus.[2017][environ sci technol][10.102
Functional expression and sub-cellular localization of the early aflatoxin pathway enzyme Nor-1 in Aspergillus parasiticus.pdf
Functional expression and sub-cellular localization of the early aflatoxin pathway enzyme Nor-1 in Aspergillus parasiticus
loss of msna, a putative stress regulatory gene, in aspergillus parasiticus and aspergillus flavus increased production of conidia, aflatoxins and kojic acid.pdf
loss of msna, a putative stress regulatory gene, in aspergillus parasiticus and aspergillus flavus increased production of conidia, aflatoxins and kojic acid
Production of Aflatoxin by Aspergillus parasiticus and its….pdf
Production of Aflatoxin by Aspergillus parasiticus and its…

