coverage and composition of cuticular waxes on the fronds of the temperate ferns pteridium aquilinum, cryptogramma crispa, polypodium glycyrrhiza,.pdf
- coverage and composition of cuticular waxes on the fronds of the temperate ferns pteridium aquilinum, cryptogramma crispa, polypodium glycyrrhiza,
Polypodium vulgare L. in the communities of acidophilous and….pdf
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Occurrence of Polypodium mantoniae and new localities for P….pdf
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Biogeographical analysis of two Polypodium species complexes….pdf
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Phylogenetic placement of the enigmatic parasite, Polypodium hydriforme, within the Phylum Cnidaria.doc
- Phylogenetic placement of the enigmatic parasite, Polypodium hydriforme, within the Phylum Cnidaria
nervous system immunohistochemistry of the parasitic cnidarian polypodium hydriforme at its free-living stage.pdf
- nervous system immunohistochemistry of the parasitic cnidarian polypodium hydriforme at its free-living stage