Equilibrium Land Prices of Japanese Prefectures: A Panel Cointegration Analysis.pdf
Based on newly constructed prefectural land price data, we estimate long-run equilibrium relationships using a panel cointegration analysis, and then estimate an error-correction model (ECM) for land prices. The panel cointegration analysis reveals that the PVR cum price expectation can be regarded as a long-run equilib- rium relationship. The ECM nds that deviations from the long-run equilibrium and non-performing loans in particular have sizable eects on land prices. More- over, recent regional discrepancies in land prices are closely related to deviations from the long-run equilibrium.
Low Cadmium Levels in Urine of Residents in two Prefectures where Cadmium Levels in Locally Harvested Brown Rice are Higher than in other Prefectures in Japan.pdf
Low Cadmium Levels in Urine of Residents in two Prefectures where Cadmium Levels in Locally Harvested Brown Rice are Higher than in other Prefectures in Japan
measuring regional economic efficiency the case of greek prefectures.pdf
measuring regional economic efficiency the case of greek prefectures
The newly discovered mud and Qin Qin Feng system of prefectures and counties.doc
The newly discovered mud and Qin Qin Feng system of prefectures and counties
Association between anti-Ro 60kDa (SS-A) autoantibodies and hypocomplementemia in systemic lupus erythematosus patients from Algiers prefectures.pdf
Association between anti-Ro 60kDa (SS-A) autoantibodies and hypocomplementemia in systemic lupus erythematosus patients from Algiers prefectures
Regional disparities in road traffic injury rates involving elementary and junior high school children while commuting among Japan's 47 prefectures between 2004 and 2013.pdf
Regional disparities in road traffic injury rates involving elementary and junior high school children while commuting among Japan’s 47 prefectures between 2004 and 2013
´Yin Wan Han Mu Jian Du´ in the system of prefectures and counties Hou lai several issues.doc
´Yin Wan Han Mu Jian Du´ in the system of prefectures and counties Hou lai several issues
Productivity and Growth of Japanese Prefectures.pptx
Productivity and Growth of Japanese Prefectures
The Era of Prefectures and Counties An Inquiry into the ....pdf
The Era of Prefectures and Counties An Inquiry into the ...

