progerin-induced replication stress facilitates premature senescence in hutchinson gilford progeria syndrome.[2017][mol cell biol][10.1128mcb.00659.pdf
progerin-induced replication stress facilitates premature senescence in hutchinson gilford progeria syndrome.[2017][mol cell biol][10.1128mcb.00659
Interruption of progerin-lamin AC binding ameliorates Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome phenotype.pdf
Interruption of progerin–lamin AC binding ameliorates Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome phenotype
Effect of progerin on the accumulation of oxidized proteins in fibroblasts from Hutchinson Gilford progeria patients.pdf
Effect of progerin on the accumulation of oxidized proteins in fibroblasts from Hutchinson Gilford progeria patients
Antisense-Based Progerin Downregulation in HGPS-Like Patients' Cells.pdf
Antisense-Based Progerin Downregulation in HGPS-Like Patients’ Cells
Investigation of age-related changes in LMNA splicing and expression of progerin in human skeletal muscles.pdf
Investigation of age-related changes in LMNA splicing and expression of progerin in human skeletal muscles
nave adult stem not cells from patients with hutchinson-gilford progeria syndrome express low levels of progerin in vivo.pdf
nave adult stem not cells from patients with hutchinson-gilford progeria syndrome express low levels of progerin in vivo
novel lmna mutations cause an aggressive atypical neonatal progeria without progerin accumulation.[2016][journal of medical genetics][10.1136jmedgenet.pdf
novel lmna mutations cause an aggressive atypical neonatal progeria without progerin accumulation.[2016][journal of medical genetics][10.1136jmedgenet
progerin-induced transcriptional changes in huntington´s disease human pluripotent stem cell-derived neurons.[2019][mol neurobiol].pdf
progerin-induced transcriptional changes in huntington´s disease human pluripotent stem cell-derived neurons.[2019][mol neurobiol]

