the quasi-state-state approximations revisited_ timescales, small parameters, singularities, and normal forms in enzyme kinetics.[2020][math biosci.pdf
the quasi-state-state approximations revisited_ timescales, small parameters, singularities, and normal forms in enzyme kinetics.[2020][math biosci
aspects of general relativity pseudo-finsler extensions, quasi-normal frequencies and multiplication of tensorial distributions.pdf
arXiv:1107.2978v1[gr-qc] 15 Jul 2011Aspects GeneralRelativity:Pseudo-Finsler extensions,Quasi-normal
Asymptotic Distribution of Quasi-Normal Modes for Kerr-de Sitter Black Holes.pdf
Asymptotic Distribution of Quasi-Normal Modes for Kerr–de Sitter Black Holes
classical and quantum approach of quasi normal modes in linear optical regime an application to one dimensional photonic crystals.pdf
classical and quantum approach of quasi normal modes in linear optical regime an application to one dimensional photonic crystals
Comparing the Quasi-Normal and Natural Modes of an open cavity.pdf
Comparing the Quasi-Normal and Natural Modes of an open cavity
Linear perturbations of black holes: stability, quasi-normal modes and tails.pdf
Black holes have their proper oscillations, which are called the quasi-normal nmodes. The proper oscillations of astrophysical black holes can be observed in nthe nearest future with the help of gravitational wave detectors. Quasi-normal nmodes are also very important in the context of testing of the stability of nblack objects, the anti-de Sitter/Conformal Field Theory (AdS/CFT) ncorrespon..
quasi normal modes description of transmission properties for photonic band gap structures.pdf
quasi normal modes description of transmission properties for photonic band gap structures
Quasi-normal modes of extremal BTZ black holes in TMG.pdf
Quasi-normal modes of extremal BTZ black holes in TMG
linking the quasi-normal and natural modes of an open cavity.pdf
linking the quasi-normal and natural modes of an open cavity
Formal Normal Forms for the Perturbations of a Quasi-Homogeneous Hamiltonian Vector Field.pdf
Formal Normal Forms for the Perturbations of a Quasi-Homogeneous Hamiltonian Vector Field

