Sharing studies between IMT-Advanced and the radiolocation service in the 3 400-3 700 MHz bands.pdf
ITU-R标准 标准号 M.2111 (2007)Sharing studies between IMT-Advanced and the radiolocation service in the 3 400-3 700 MHz bands 日期 2007 状态 正在使用
Low Frequency Indoor Radiolocation.pdf
Low Frequency Indoor Radiolocation
Test results illustrating compatibility between representative radionavigation systems and radiolocation and EESS systems in the band 8.5-10 GHz.pdf
ITU-R标准 标准号 M.2081 (2006)Test results illustrating compatibility between representative radionavigation systems and radiolocation and EESS systems in the band 8.5-10 GHz 日期 2006 状态 正在使用
6.1 Radiolocation Service.doc
6.1 Radiolocation Service——所有资料文档均为本人悉心收集,全部是文档中的精品,绝对值得下载收藏!
Tests illustrating the compatibility between maritime radionavigation radars and emissions from radiolocation radars in the band 2 900-3 100 MHz.pdf
ITU-R标准 标准号 M.2032 (2003)Tests illustrating the compatibility between maritime radionavigation radars and emissions from radiolocation radars in the band 2 900-3 100 MHz 日期 2003 状态 正在使用
Radiolocation in CDMA Cellular System Based on Joint Angle and Delay Estimation.pdf
Radiolocation in CDMA Cellular System Based on Joint Angle and Delay Estimation
A Radiolocation Introscope for Estimating the Profile of a Subsurface Reflecting Layer.pdf
A Radiolocation Introscope for Estimating the Profile of a Subsurface Reflecting Layer
Test results and simulations illustrating the effective duty cycle of frequency modulated pulsed radiolocation and EESS system waveforms in marine radionavigation receivers.pdf
Rep.ITU-R M.2128 REPORTITU-R M.2128*Test results simulationsillustrating effectiveduty cycle frequen
Wider Application of Radiolocation in Digital Wireless Communication.pdf
Wider Application of Radiolocation in Digital Wireless Communication

