Fuertes, Miffre and Rallis, 2010 - Cass Knowledge.pdf
Fuertes, Miffre and Rallis, 2010 - Cass Knowledge
special values of l-functions by a siegel-weil-kudla-rallis formula.pdf
special values of l-functions by a siegel–weil–kudla–rallis formula
201510.04301v1 Les formules des traces relatives de Jacquet-Rallis grossieres.pdf
We establish the coarse relative trace formulae of Jacquet-Rallis for linear and unitary groups. Both formulae are of the form: a sum of spectral distributions equals a sum of geometric distributions. In order to obtain the spectral decompositions we introduce new truncation operators and we investigate their properties. On the geometric side, by means of the Cayley transform, the decompositions are derived from a procedure of descent to the tangent spaces for which the formulae are known thanks to our previous work.
201306.1061v3 La variante infinitesimale de la formule des traces de Jacquet-Rallis pour les groupes unitaires.pdf
We establish an infinitesimal version of the Jacquet-Rallis trace formula for unitary groups. Our formula is obtained by integrating a truncated kernel \`a la Arthur. It has a geometric side which is a sum of distributions Jo indexed by classes of elements of the Lie algebra of U(n+1) stable by U(n)-conjugation as well as the "spectral side" consisting of the Fourier transforms of the aforementioned distributions. We prove that the distributions Jo are invariant and depend only on the choice of the Haar measure on U(n)(A). For regular semi-simple classes o, Jo is a relative orbital integral of Jacquet-Rallis. For classes o called relatively regular semi-simple, we express Jo in terms of relative orbital integrals regularised by means of zeta functions.
201306.1061v1 La variante infinitesimale de la formule des traces de Jacquet-Rallis pour les groupes unitaires.pdf
201306.1061v1 La variante infinitésimale de la formule des traces de Jacquet-Rallis pour les groupes unitaires201306.1061v1 La variante infinitésimale de la formule des traces de Jacquet-Rallis pour les groupes unitaires201306.1061v1 La variante infinitésimale de la formule des traces de Jacquet-Rallis pour les groupes unitaires
Rallis Page 1 - Valencia College.pdf
Rallis Page 1 - Valencia College

