Liver X Receptor Agonist Therapy Prevents Diffuse Alveolar Hemorrhage in Murine Lupus by Repolarizing Macrophages.pdf
Liver X Receptor Agonist Therapy Prevents Diffuse Alveolar Hemorrhage in Murine Lupus by Repolarizing Macrophages
PPARα-Mediated Remodeling of Repolarizing Voltage-Gated K (Kv) Channels in a Mouse Model of Metabolic Cardiomyopathy.pdf
PPARα-Mediated Remodeling of Repolarizing Voltage-Gated K (Kv) Channels in a Mouse Model of Metabolic Cardiomyopathy
Carvedilol blocks the repolarizing K currents and the L-type Ca2 current in rabbit ventricular myocytes.pdf
Carvedilol blocks the repolarizing K currents and the L-type Ca2 current in rabbit ventricular myocytes
Distinct Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms Underlie Functional Remodeling of Repolarizing K Currents With Left Ventricular Hypertrophy.pdf
Distinct Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms Underlie Functional Remodeling of Repolarizing K Currents With Left Ventricular Hypertrophy
repolarizing macrophages improves breast cancer therapy.[2017][cell res][10.1038cr.2017.63].pdf
repolarizing macrophages improves breast cancer therapy.[2017][cell res][10.1038cr.2017.63]
The combination of a novel immunomodulator with a regulatory T cell suppressing antibody (DTA-1) regress advanced stage B16F10 solid tumor by repolarizing tumor associated macrophages in situ.pdf
The combination of a novel immunomodulator with a regulatory T cell suppressing antibody (DTA-1) regress advanced stage B16F10 solid tumor by repolarizing tumor associated macrophages in situ
Regulation of the Cardiac Repolarizing HERG Potassium Channel by Protein Kinase A.pdf
Regulation of the Cardiac Repolarizing HERG Potassium Channel by Protein Kinase A
Repolarizing K Currents ITO1 and IKs Are Larger in Right Than….pdf
Repolarizing K Currents ITO1 and IKs Are Larger in Right Than…

