Swain 2008 Sediment resuspension on continental shelves and slopes due to turbulence.pdf
Swain 2008 Sediment resuspension on continental shelves and slopes due to turbulence
Aortic Valve Resuspension and Graft Replacement of the Ascending Aorta and Proximal Hemiarch During Moderate Hypothermic Systemic Circulatory Arrest and Antegrade Cerebral Perfusion for Rep...pdf
Aortic Valve Resuspension and Graft Replacement of the Ascending Aorta and Proximal Hemiarch During Moderate Hypothermic Systemic Circulatory Arrest and Antegrade Cerebral Perfusion for Repair of Acute Aortic Dissection
Progress in particle resuspension from rough surfaces by turbulent flows.pdf
particleresuspension from rough surfaces turbulentflowsChristopheHenrya, Jean-PierreMinierbaInstitute
Mixing and sediment resuspension associated with internal bores in a shallow bay.pdf
Author’sAccepted ManuscriptMixing sedimentresuspension associated withinternal bores shallowbayEiji
Quantifying sediment resuspension linkages to nutrient enrichment in the existing and future Salton.pdf
Quantifying sediment resuspension linkages to nutrient enrichment in the existing and future Salton
the four rs of environmental dredging resuspension, release, residual, and risk(667.99kb).pdf
the four rs of environmental dredging resuspension, release, residual, and risk(667.99kb)
Quantifying sediment resuspension linkages to nutrient enrichment in the existing and future Salton Sea.pdf
Quantifying sediment resuspension linkages to nutrient enrichment in the existing and future Salton Sea
large-eddy simulation of particulate resuspension and transport under influences of human-body motion in an indoor setting.pdf
large-eddy simulation of particulate resuspension and transport under influences of human-body motion in an indoor setting

