The Profile GT is sectioned perpendicular to its long axis (left….pdf
The Profile GT is sectioned perpendicular to its long axis (left…
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2001, CES, Large eddy simulation of the Gas-Liquid flow in a square cross-sectioned bubble column.pdf
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Real-time optically sectioned wide-field microscopy employing structured light illumination and a CMOS detector

Jelena Mitić*, Tiemo Anhut, Alexandre Serov, Theo Lasser
Six Walls of the Cavernous Sinus Identified by Sectioned Images and Three-Dimensional Models Anatomic Report.pdf
Six Walls of the Cavernous Sinus Identified by Sectioned Images and Three-Dimensional Models Anatomic Report
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experimental and numerical modeling of stresses in non-conventional cross-sectioned composite pipes
segmentation and surface reconstruction of the detailed ear structures, identified in sectioned images.pdf
segmentation and surface reconstruction of the detailed ear structures, identified in sectioned images
Effects of Random Cross-Sectioned Distributions, Fiber Misalignment and Interphases in Three-Dimensional Composite Models on Transverse Shear Modulus.pdf
Effects of Random Cross-Sectioned Distributions, Fiber Misalignment and Interphases in Three-Dimensional Composite Models on Transverse Shear Modulus

