The influence of thermal environment on development and vulnerability to predation of the azalea lace bug, Stephanitis pyrioides (Chrysoperla carnea).pdf
The influence of thermal environment on development and vulnerability to predation of the azalea lace bug, Stephanitis pyrioides (Chrysoperla carnea)
sensory armature and stylets of the mouthparts of stephanitis nashi (hemiptera_ cimicomorpha_ tingidae), their morphology and function.[2020][10.10.pdf
sensory armature and stylets of the mouthparts of stephanitis nashi (hemiptera_ cimicomorpha_ tingidae), their morphology and function.[2020][10.10
First record of the alien lace bug Stephanitis pyrioides in….pdf
First record of the alien lace bug Stephanitis pyrioides in…
apause in the egg parasitoid wasp anagrus takeyanus adaptation to seasonal host-plant alternation of the tingid host, stephanitis takeyai - tsukada.pdf
apause in the egg parasitoid wasp anagrus takeyanus adaptation to seasonal host-plant alternation of the tingid host, stephanitis takeyai - tsukada
Host Plant Utilization Within Family Ericaceae by the Andromeda Lace Bug Stephanitis takeyai (Hemiptera Tingidae).pdf
Host Plant Utilization Within Family Ericaceae by the Andromeda Lace Bug Stephanitis takeyai (Hemiptera Tingidae)
development and population growth of stephanitis pyri (f.) (heteroptera tingidae) at five temperatures.pdf
development and population growth of stephanitis pyri (f.) (heteroptera tingidae) at five temperatures
exocrine secretions of the andromeda lace bug lt;i gt;stephanitis takeyai lt;i gt; (hemiptera tingidae).pdf
exocrine secretions of the andromeda lace bug
长脊冠网蝽Stephanitis svensoni Drake为害习性的研究.pdf
长脊冠网蝽Stephanitis svensoni Drake为害习性的研究
stephanitis rhododendri honrath (hemiph.) in deutschland - staatl - 2009 - zeitschrift f uuml;r angewandte entomologie.pdf
stephanitis rhododendri honrath (hemiph.) in deutschland - staatl - 2009 - zeitschrift f
novel components from secretory hairs of azalea lace bug lt;i gt;stephanitis pyrioides lt;i gt; (hemiptera tingidae).pdf
novel components from secretory hairs of azalea lace bug

