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early postnatal noise exposure degrades the stimulus-specific adaptation of neurons in the rat auditory cortex in adulthood.[2019][neuroscience][10
stimulus specific adaptation to visual but not auditory motion direction in the barn owl´s optic tectum.刺激特定的适应视觉而不是听觉仓鸮视顶盖的运动方向.pdf
stimulus specific adaptation to visual but not auditory motion direction in the barn owl´s optic tectum.刺激特定的适应视觉而不是听觉仓鸮视顶盖的运动方向
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extinction of a pavlovian-conditioned inhibitor leads to stimulus-specific inhibition.[2019][learn behav]
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Sequential conditioning-stimulation reveals distinct gene- and stimulus-specific effects of Type I and II IFN on human macrophage functions
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frequency-dependent stimulus-specific adaptation and regularity sensitivity in the rat auditory thalamus.[2018][neuroscience][10.1016j.neuroscience
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integrative stimulus-specific adaptation of the natural sounds in the auditory cortex of the awake rat (2019).[10.1007s00429-019-01880-2]
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A model of the neural mechanisms responsible for pattern recognition and stimulus specific habituation in toads
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igg subclass and vaccination stimulus determine changes in antigen specific antibody glycosylation in mice.[2017][eur j immunol][10.1002eji.2017472

