Using RFID Yoking Proof Protocol to Enhance Inpatient Medication Safety.pdf
Using RFID Yoking Proof Protocol to Enhance Inpatient Medication Safety
´Atossa s Dream Yoking Music and Dance, Antiquity and….pdf
´Atossa s Dream Yoking Music and Dance, Antiquity and…
Generalized "Yoking-Proofs" for a Group of RFID Tags.pdf
Recently Ari Juels suggested a yoking-proof where a pair of radio-frequency identication (RFID) tags are both read within a specied time bound, and left open for fu- ture research the problem of generating a proof for larger groups of tags. We generalize his protocol by developing a proof which ensures that a group of tags is read within a cer- tain time period. The tags generate such a proof even if the reader is untrusted. The proof is improbable to forge, and is veriable off-line by a trusted verier. Juels s problem formulation does not take privacy into account and the re- sulting protocol offers no privacy to the tags. We modify the problem statement to require the yoking-proof to main- tain privacy, and we give a protocol for this new anonymous yoking problem, along with suggestions for speed ups.
Yoking-Proofs" for RFID Tags - ResearchGate.pdf
Yoking-Proofs” for RFID Tags - ResearchGate
Yoking the Pharisees - Tod Bolsinger.doc
Yoking the Pharisees - Tod Bolsinger
Private Yoking Proofs Attacks, Models and New Provable Constructions.pdf
Private Yoking Proofs Attacks, Models and New Provable Constructions
A Provably Secure Offline RFID Yoking-Proof Protocol with Anonymity.pdf
A Provably Secure Offline RFID Yoking-Proof Protocol with Anonymity
Probabilistic yoking proofs for large scale IoT systems.pdf
Probabilistic yoking proofs for large scale IoT systems
Interocular yoking in human saccades examined by mutual….pdf
Interocular yoking in human saccades examined by mutual…

