the aminoestrogen prolame increases recognition memory and hippocampal neuronal spine density in aged mice.[2017][synapse][10.1002syn.21987].pdf
the aminoestrogen prolame increases recognition memory and hippocampal neuronal spine density in aged mice.[2017][synapse][10.1002syn.21987]
sex and pubertal status influence dendritic spine density on frontal corticostriatal projection neurons in mice.[2020][cereb cortex].pdf
sex and pubertal status influence dendritic spine density on frontal corticostriatal projection neurons in mice.[2020][cereb cortex]
MiR-130a regulates neurite outgrowth and dendritic spine density by targeting MeCP2.pdf
MiR-130a regulates neurite outgrowth and dendritic spine density by targeting MeCP2
the notch signaling pathway inhibitor dapt alleviates autism-like behavior, autophagy and dendritic spine density abnormalities in a valproic acid-.pdf
the notch signaling pathway inhibitor dapt alleviates autism-like behavior, autophagy and dendritic spine density abnormalities in a valproic acid-
Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMs) Enhance Neurogenesis and Spine Density Following Focal Cerebral Ischemia.pdf
SelectiveEs trogen Receptor Modulators (SERMs EnhanceNeurogenes SpineDens ity Following Focal Cerebr
Selective changes in thin spine density and morphology in monkey prefrontal cortex correlate with aging-related cognitive impairment.pdf
Selective changes in thin spine density and morphology in monkey prefrontal cortex correlate with aging-related cognitive impairment
Altered gene expression and spine density in nucleus accumbens of adolescent and adult male mice exposed to emotional and physical stress.pdf
Altered gene expression and spine density in nucleus accumbens of adolescent and adult male mice exposed to emotional and physical stress
Chronic Stress and a Cyclic Regimen of Estradiol Administration Separately Facilitate Spatial Memory Relationship with CA1 Spine Density and Dendritic Complexity.pdf
Chronic Stress and a Cyclic Regimen of Estradiol Administration Separately Facilitate Spatial Memory Relationship with CA1 Spine Density and Dendritic Complexity
mild traumatic brain injury reduces spine density of projection neurons in the medial prefrontal cortex and impairs extinction of contextual fear m.pdf
mild traumatic brain injury reduces spine density of projection neurons in the medial prefrontal cortex and impairs extinction of contextual fear m

向豆丁求助:有没有spine density?
