Exome Capture Sequencing Project.doc
ExomeCapture Sequencing Project Report August 2010CONTENT1 GENERAL INFORMATION 2.1NimbleGen experime
Whole exome and whole genome sequencing.pdf
Whole exome and whole genome sequencingWhole exome and whole genome sequencingWhole exome and whole genome sequencing
Confirmation by exome sequencing of the pathogenic role of NCSTN mutations in acne inversa.pdf
Confirmation by exome sequencing of the pathogenic role of NCSTN mutations in acne inversaConfirmation by exome sequencing of the pathogenic role of NCSTN mutations in acne inversaConfirmation by exome sequencing of the pathogenic role of NCSTN mutations in acne inversa
Targeted exome sequencing reveals novel USH2A mutations in Chinese patients with simplex Usher syndrome.pdf
Targeted exome sequencing reveals novel USH2A mutations in Chinese patients with simplex Usher syndrome
ng.3358_Exome sequencing identifies somatic mutations of DDX3X in natural killer T-cell lymphoma.pdf
NatureGeNetics  VOLUME 47 SEPTEMBER2015 1061Natural killr/T-cll lympoma (NKTCL) is a malignant proli
exome-based analysis of cardiac arrhythmia, respiratory control, and epilepsy genes in sudden unexpected death in epilepsy.pdf
exome-based analysis of cardiac arrhythmia, respiratory control, and epilepsy genes in sudden unexpected death in epilepsy
完成皮肤癌全部外显子序列扫描NIH researchers complete whole-exome sequencing of skin cancer.doc
Melanoma is the most serious form of skin cancer and its incidence is increasing faster than any other cancer. A major cause is thought to be overexposure to the sun, particularly ultraviolet radiation, which can damage DNA and lead to cancer-causing genetic changes within skin cells.
the genetic landscape of benign thyroid nodules revealed by whole exome and transcriptome sequencing.[2017][nat commun][10.1038ncomms15533].pdf
ARTICLEReceived23 Jun 2016 Apr2017 Jun2017The genetic landscape benignthyroid nodulesrevealed wholee

