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Luka and the Fire of Life.epub
- Amazon.com ReviewSalman Rushdie on Luka and the Fire of LifeThere’s a line in Paul Simon’s song St. Judy’s Comet, a sort of lullaby, about his reason for writing it. "If I can’t sing my boy to sleep," he sings, "it makes your famous daddy look so dumb." More than twenty years ago, when my older son Zafar said to me that I should write a book he could read, I thought about that line. Haroun and the Sea of Stories, written in 1989-90, a dark time for me, was the result. I tried to fill it with light and even to give it a happy ending. Happy endings were things I had become very interested in at the time.When my younger son Milan read Haroun he immediately began to insist that he, too, merited a book. Luka and Published by Random House on 2010/11/16
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