2001 锂离子电池专业文献 美国麻省理工大学 G. Ceder Li diffusion mechanisms in layered intercalation compounds.pdf
Lithiumdiffusion mechanisms layeredintercalation compoundsA. Van der Ven*, G. CederDepartment Materi
2004 锂离子电池专业文献 美国麻省理工大学 G. Ceder Ordering in Lix(Ni0.5Mn0.5)O2 and its relation to charge capacity and electrochemical behavior in r...pdf
Lix(Ni0.5Mn0.5)O2andits relation chargecapacityand electrochemical behavior rechargeablelithium batt
2009 NATURE 锂离子电池专业文献 美国MIT Gerbrand Ceder Battery materials for ultrafast charging and discharging 中文翻译.pdf
磷酸铁锂(LiFePO4)电池超快充放电的新技术译文 文章来源:NATURE| Vol 458| 12 March 2009 在当今社会,能快速充放电能的储能装置非常重要,它们能广泛应用于混合电动汽车
2007 锂离子电池专业文献 美国麻省理工大学 G. Ceder The influence of preparation conditions on electrochemical properties of LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 thin film electrodes by PLD.pdf
ElectrochimicaActa 52 (2007) 2822–2828The influence preparationconditions electrochemicalproperties o
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working paper ceder-06-02, new york university the dimensions of reputation in electronic m
2000 锂离子电池专业文献 美国麻省理工大学 G. Ceder Phase transformations and volume changes in spinel Li Mn O x 2 4.pdf
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2003 锂离子电池专业文献 美国麻省理工大学 G. Ceder Experimental and computational study of the structure and electrochemical properties of monoclinic LixM2(PO4)3 compounds.pdf
computationalstudy structureandelectrochemical properties monoclinicLixM2(PO4)3compoundsD.Morgana,*,
2005 锂离子电池专业文献 美国麻省理工大学 G. Ceder Thermodynamics of spinel LixTiO2 from first principles.pdf
spinelLixTiO2from first principlesM. Wagemakera,*, A. Van Der Venb, D. Morganc, G. Cederb,F.M. Mulder
2004 锂离子电池专业文献 美国麻省理工大学 G. Ceder Electrochemical modeling of intercalation processes with phase field models.pdf
Electrochemicalmodeling intercalationprocesseswith phase field modelsB. C. Han*, A. Van der Ven, D. M

