Cognitive Model of Verbal Irony Based on Relevance Theory-A Case Study on The Big Bang Theory.pdf
- Cognitive Model of Verbal Irony Based on Relevance Theory-A Case Study on The Big Bang Theory
cognitive model of verbal irony based on relevance theory-a case study on the big bang theory.pdf
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The Study of the Translation Strategy of Irony in Fortress Besieged from the Perspective of Functionalist Theory.pdf
- The Study of the Translation Strategy of Irony in Fortress Besieged from the Perspective of Functionalist Theory
The bicoherence theory of situational irony - CSJA).pdf
- The bicoherence theory of situational irony - CSJA)
cognitive model of verbal irony based on relevance theory--a case study on the big bang theory.pdf
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A Relevancetheoretic Approach to the Verbal Irony in The Big Bang Theory.pdf
- A Relevancetheoretic Approach to the Verbal Irony in The Big Bang Theory
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The Study of the Translation Strategy of Irony in Fortress Besieged from the Perspective of Functionalist Theory.pdf
- The Study of the Translation Strategy of Irony in Fortress Besieged from the Perspective of Functionalist Theory,fortress besieged,fortress,dwarf fortress,fortress hk,fortress hill,team fortress,block fortress,forsaken fortress,fortress maximus,digital fortress
idle research, futile theory, and the risk for education reminders of irony and commitment.pdf
- IDLERESEARCH, FUTILE THEORY, COMMITMENTPaulSmeyersIn presuppositionsunderlying paradigmaticap-proach
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