Modal Alignment.ppt
1整车模态分配,包括振型和频率,是整车NVH质量的基石。在成本和子系统配置允许的条件下,合理优化模态分配能取得事半功倍的效果。就卡车设计来说,在低频振动范围内( 16Hz)有13个主要模态。他们是:
Modal Alignment Know-How.ppt
Modal Alignment Know-HowModal Alignment Know-HowModal Alignment Know-How
Efficient Multi-Modal Least-Squares Alignment of Medical Images Using Quasi-Orientation Maps.pdf
In image registration, similarity metrics are used to determine the optimal alignment between two images. A common metric used for judging image similarity is the weighted sum of squared differences (SSD) cost function. Recently, it was demonstrated that the evaluation of the SSD cost function can be performed efficiently using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) to determine the optimal translation between two images based on pixel intensities. This paper extends this efficient approach by introducing the concept of quasi- orientation maps as features into the alignment framework. This feature-based method is invariant to intensity mappings, making it suitable for aligning medical images acquired with different modalities. Experimental results demonstrate overall multi-modal image alignment performance to be superior to that of previous work.
Efficient Multi-Modal Least-Squares Alignment of Medical Images Using Quasi-Orientation Map.pdf
Efficient Multi-Modal Least-Squares Alignment of Medical Images Using Quasi-Orientation Map
Shaft Alignment Guide 轴系校中指导.pdf
6KDIW$OLJQPHQW*XLGHEffectiveDecember reporthas been made publicly available Section734.3(b)(3) Secti
Interference Alignment A New Look at Signal Dimensions in a Communication Network(read).pdf
TrendsRinCommunications InformationTheoryVol. (2010)1–134c 2011S. A. JafarDOI: 10.1561/0100000047Int
Interference Alignment - A New Look at Signal Dimensions in a Communication Network.pdf
TrendsRinCommunications InformationTheoryVol. (2010)1–134c 2011S. A. JafarDOI: 10.1561/0100000047Int
LMS Test.Lab Modal模态培训资料.pdf
LMSTest.Lab Modal 培训资料 1、TOCStructural Testing…………………………………………….1 2、Problem Description…………………………………
主机轴系安装_Engineshafting alignment__ procedure.pdf
December2009 Engine Alignment A.SpicherINTERNAL USE ONLYEngine ShaftingalignmentprocedureSee chapter
PD Alignment.ppt
2016-11-PD Alignment Training PD Alignment Training• 物料介绍:PD 、0d filter、AA50T和BF-4

向豆丁求助:有没有modal alignment?
