Self-averaging of Wigner transforms in random media.pdf
Self-averaging of Wigner transforms in random mediaSelf-averaging of Wigner transforms in random mediaSelf-averaging of Wigner transforms in random media
on the self-averaging of wave energy in random media:在随机介质中的波的能量self-averaging.pdf
on the self-averaging of wave energy in random media:在随机介质中的波的能量self-averaging
non-self-averaging in macroeconomic models a criticism of modern micro-founded macroeconomics.pdf
non-self-averaging in macroeconomic models a criticism of modern micro-founded macroeconomics
non-self-averaging of a two-person game with only positive spillover a new formulation of avatamsaka's dilemma.pdf
non-self-averaging of a two-person game with only positive spillover a new formulation of avatamsaka’s dilemma
Self-averaging of kinetic models for waves in random media.pdf
Self-averaging of kinetic models for waves in random media
Self-Averaging Property of Minimal Investment Risk of Mean-Variance Model.pdf
Self-Averaging Property of Minimal Investment Risk of Mean-Variance Model
Self-averaging from lateral diversity in the Ito-Schrodinger equation.pdf
We consider the random Schr odinger equation as it arises in the paraxial regime for wave propagation in random media. In the white noise limit it becomes the Ito-Schr odinger stochastic partial dierential equation (SPDE) which we analyze here in the high frequency regime. We also consider the large lateral diversity limit where the typical width of the propagating beam is large compared to the correlation length of the random medium. We use the Wigner transform of the wave eld and show that it becomes deterministic in the large diversity limit when integrated against test functions. This is the self-averaging property of the Wigner transform. It follows easily when the support of the test functions is of the order of the beam width. We also show with a more detailed analysis that the limit is deterministic when the support of the test functions tends to zero but is large compared to the correlation length.
Non-Self-Averaging in Macroeconomic Models A Criticism of….pdf
Non-Self-Averaging in Macroeconomic Models A Criticism of…

向豆丁求助:有没有self averaging?
