Modelling of the passive mobility in human tarsal gears implications from the literature.pdf
Modelling of the passive mobility in human tarsal gears implications from the literature
Posterior lamellar versus bilamellar tarsal rotation surgery for trachomatous trichiasis in Ethiopia a randomised controlled trial.pdf
Posterior lamellar versus bilamellar tarsal rotation surgery for trachomatous trichiasis in Ethiopia a randomised controlled trial
Effects of sex (or lack thereof) on meibogenesis in mice (Mus musculus) Comparative evaluation of lipidomes and transcriptomes of male and female tarsal plates.pdf
Effects of sex (or lack thereof) on meibogenesis in mice (Mus musculus) Comparative evaluation of lipidomes and transcriptomes of male and female tarsal plates
Tarsal bones 跗骨.ppt
Tarsal bones 跗骨 内容详尽,但请以实际操作为准,欢迎下载使用
Is Electrodiagnostic Testing Requisite for Diagnosing Tarsal Tunnel ....pdf
Is Electrodiagnostic Testing Requisite for Diagnosing Tarsal Tunnel ...for,For
A Review of Tarsal Coalition and Pes Planovalgus Clinical Examination, Diagnostic Imaging, and Surgical Planning.pdf
TarsalCoalition PesPlanovalgus: Clinical Examination, DiagnosticImaging, SurgicalPlanningAndrea D. C
Unsuspected tarsal coalitions in congenital clubfoot and equinus(先天性马蹄足和马equi的意外sus骨联合).pdf
Unsuspected tarsal coalitions in congenital clubfoot and equinus(先天性马蹄足和马equi的意外sus骨联合)
the tarsal-metatarsal complex of caviomorph rodents anatomy and functional-adaptive analysis.[2017][j morphol][10.1002jmor.20678].pdf
EThetarsal-metatarsal complex caviomorphrodents: Anatomyand functional-adaptive analysisAdriana M. C
morphology and ultrastructure of the tarsal adhesive organs of the madagascar hissing cockroach gromphadorhina portentosa.[2017][cell tissue res][1.pdf
morphology and ultrastructure of the tarsal adhesive organs of the madagascar hissing cockroach gromphadorhina portentosa.[2017][cell tissue res][1

