Asymmetric dimethylation and citrullination in the LEW.1AR1-iddm rat, an animal model of human type 1 diabetes, and effects of anti-TCR_anti-TNF-al.pdf
Asymmetric dimethylation and citrullination in the LEW.1AR1-iddm rat, an animal model of human type 1 diabetes, and effects of anti-TCR_anti-TNF-al
Hemophile acquise, polyarthrite rhumatode, et anti-TNF alpha, commentaire de l'article de Banse et al. un cas d'hemophile acquise possiblement induit par l'etanercept dans la polyarthri...pdf
Hémophile acquise, polyarthrite rhumatode, et anti-TNF alpha, commentaire de l’article de Banse et al. un cas d’hémophile acquise possiblement induit par l’etanercept dans la polyarthrite rhumatode Rev Rhum 2014;81502–4
Reply to Grimaldi et al. about the article The role of HLA and KIR in anti-TNF therapy.pdf
Reply to Grimaldi et al. about the article The role of HLA and KIR in anti-TNF therapy
Commentaire de l'article par Bisson-Vaivre et al., Rle du HLA et du KIR dans le traitement par anti-TNF.pdf
Commentaire de l’article par Bisson-Vaivre et al., Rle du HLA et du KIR dans le traitement par anti-TNF
Taux d'infections severes chez les patients atteints de polyarthrite rhumatode recevant une biotherapie anti-TNF alpha etude observationnelle prospective. Commentaire de l'article de Che et al.pdf
Taux d’infections sévères chez les patients atteints de polyarthrite rhumatode recevant une biothérapie anti-TNF alpha étude observationnelle prospective. Commentaire de l’article de Che et al
TNF levels in severe malaria treated by exchange transfusion (letter in reply to Doctor Smit et al.).pdf
TNF levels in severe malaria treated by exchange transfusion (letter in reply to Doctor Smit et al.)
is there an association between anti-tnf monoclonal antibody therapy in rheumatoid arthritis and risk of malignancy and serious infection commentary on the meta-analysis by bongartz et al.pdf
is there an association between anti-tnf monoclonal antibody therapy in rheumatoid arthritis and risk of malignancy and serious infection commentary on the meta-analysis by bongartz et al
Is there an association between anti-TNF monoclonal antibody therapy in rheumatoid arthritis and risk of malignancy and serious infection Commentary on the meta-analysis by Bongartz et al.doc
Is there an association between anti-TNF monoclonal antibody therapy in rheumatoid arthritis and risk of malignancy and serious infection Commentary on the meta-analysis by Bongartz et al

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