Algorithm for traffic grooming in optical networks to minimize the number of transceivers.pdf
trafficgrooming opticalnetworksto minimize transceiversV.R. Konda T. Y. ChowLab. DecisionSystems Tell
virtual topology design for traffic grooming in wdm networks.pdf
virtual topology design for traffic grooming in wdm networks
Optical WDM Networks: Traffic Grooming in Mesh Networks and Metro Networks using ROADMs.pdf
Optical Fiber technology employing wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) has and continues to be investigated and commercially deployed to meet our ever-increasing bandwidth demands. WDM partitions the huge bandwidth of an optical ber into many non-overlapping wavelength channels, each of which can operate at the data rate of 10 Gbps (or 40 Gbps or higher). This dissertation investigates design and modeling issues of optical WDM mesh networks, as well as ring networks. This dissertation rst proposes a novel generic graph model for trac groom- ing in heterogeneous WDM mesh networks so that low-speed trac streams can be groomed (or carried) by high-capacity wavelength channels. This model uses an auxiliary graph to represent the network state, which can accommodate various re- source constraints. It can achieve dierent grooming policies by employing a simple shortest-path algorithm, and it can be applied to both static and dynamic trac- grooming scenarios.
the complexity of traffic grooming in optical path networks with egress traffic.pdf
the complexity of traffic grooming in optical path networks with egress traffic
traffic grooming in translucent optical ring networks.pdf
traffic grooming in translucent optical ring networks
traffic grooming in wavelength routed path networks.pdf
traffic grooming in wavelength routed path networks
hierarchical traffic grooming in large-scale wdm networks.pdf
hierarchical traffic grooming in large-scale wdm networks
A Novel Generic Graph Model for Traffic Grooming in Heterogeneous WDM Mesh Networks.pdf
A Novel Generic Graph Model for Traffic Grooming in Heterogeneous WDM Mesh Networks
On Traffic Grooming Choices for IP over WDM networks (Invited).pdf
grooming grooming meeting invited choices editor invited choices and change john invited about choices in life

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