食品与生物过程建模技术手册Handbook of Food and Bioprocess Modeling Techniques(2007).pdf
- With the advancement of computers, the use of modeling to reduce time and expense, and improve process optimization, predictive capability, process automation, and control possibilities, is now an integral part of food science and engineering. New technology and ease of use expands the range of techniques that scientists and researchers have at their disposal making it increasingly important for the user to be aware of and have a good working knowledge of the alternatives.
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- juni20102den juni2010稳定性研究的意义:• 稳定性研究贯穿药物研发过程的始终。• 保证药效、安全性的成功剂型设计是目前生物药物获得FDA许可的关键技术。• 源于国外的专利保护,需立
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2011 Bioprocess 生物制药工程工艺年会.pdf
- FoundingPublication Bronze Sponsor Silver SponsorsAugust 22-23, 2011 Grand Hyatt Hotel Shanghai,Chin